High Precision Z-score Table (8 Sigma)

Z-score table in PDF format: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y2dJiLjhZ7e_25y9Lyuq3ADN6CNir9iu/view

Here is a list of just a few of Z-scores, but the PDF shows a range from -8.17 to +8.17

Z-score P value
-3.00 0.001345
-2.75 0.002980
-2.50 0.006210
-2.25 0.012224
-2.00 0.022750
-1.75 0.040059
-1.50 0.066807
-1.25 0.105650
-1.00 0.158655
-0.75 0.226627
-0.50 0.308538
-0.25 0.401294
0 0.500000
0.25 0.598706
0.50 0.691462
0.75 0.773373
1.00 0.841345
1.25 0.894350
1.50 0.933193
1.75 0.959941
2.00 0.977250
2.25 0.987776
2.50 0.993790
2.75 0.997020
3.00 0.998650
3.25 0.999423
3.50 0.999767
3.75 0.999912
4.00 0.999968
4.25 0.999989
4.50 0.999997
4.75 0.999999
5.00 0.9999997133484281

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