List of Dopamine activities

This is a list of activities that increase dopamine. Each activity shows how much percent above baseline (units) of dopamine it releases. FOR LEARNING PURPOSES ONLY!
Music: 6%-9%
14°C/57.2°F Cold Showers: 250% (While increasing norepinephrine by 530%)
Water submersion: NA% (while increasing b-endorphins 20 times above baseline)
Stress: NA% (while increasing cortisol by 500%)
Vigorous Exercise: 600% (in plasma) (while increasing b-endorphins by 400% in 30-60 seconds, moderate exercise for 1 hour doesn't increase b-endorphins, 10 fold increase in epinephrine)
Skydiving&alike activity: NA% (oxytocin 200%, epinephrine 50 fold, norepinephrine 20 fold)
Nicotine: 125% (43% at 0.03 mg/kg injection & 25% at 0.025 mg/kg & 50% at 0.05 mg/kg)
L-Theanine: 300% (in the interstitium)
Cocaine: 350%@1.5 mg/kg, 500%@5 mg/kg & 1,300%@20 mg/kg (while increasing Acetylcholine by 261%, cortisol by 73%, NA by 150%) (depletes Dopamine for 60 days)
Amphetamine: (3,000% at 2 mg/kg & 500% at 0.2 mg/kg & 1,400% at 0.4 mg/kg & 427% at 1 mg/kg)% (Serotonin: 300% at 2 mg/kg, Norepinephrine 350% @ 2.5 mg/kg)
Caffeine (10 mg/kg-30 mg/kg): 100%-125% (while increasing Glutamate by 50%, and Serotonin by 20% at 4 mg/L, epinephrine 100%) (in the Nucleus Accumbens)
Meditation: 65% (in Indigenous) (while increasing GABA by 27%)
Social Connections (eg: petting a dog, possitive social interactions, hugging): 31% (while lowering cortisol by 31%, increasing oxytocin by 5-10% for strangers 50% for strangers found attractive and 100% for family members eg pets etc, and increasing Serotonin by 28%)
Food: 45%-50%
Sex: 100% (also increases other hormones such as oxytocin by 20%-360%-500%, serotonin by 250%, prolactin by up to 300%, b-endorphins by 86-fold, vassopresin, phenylethylamine, nitric oxide, Glutamate by 300%)
Heroin: 800% (500%-1,000% when combined with Cocaine) (endorphins 12-fold)
Ethanol: 100% (while increasing meta-enkephalin by 20%, b-endorphins by 20%)
MDMA: (500% @ 7.5 mg/kg) (while increasing serotonin by 3,000% @ 7.5 mg/kg, Cortisol by 800% & (oxytocin by 1,308% at 1.5 mg/kg))
Video Games: 75%-100% (also depletes Dopamine in the D2 receptor by 10.5%)
Methamphetamine: 6,000% (can penetrate neurons causing permanent cell damage, while increasing Glutamate by 500%)
Methylphenidate (at 2 mg/kg oral & 0.25-1 mg/kg intraperitoneal): 200% (while increasing norepinephrine by 400%)
Tyrosine: 120%
Phencyclidine: 180%
Morphine: 110% (while increasing b-endorphins by 12-fold)
ß-Phenylethylamine (PEA) [at 100uM (~22.5 mg/kg)]: 157±12% (in DAT-1)
Huperzine A: 129% (in Cortex)
Fish oil: 40% (in Frontal Cortex)
Resveratrol: 53%
Kava: 25%-50% (for 8 hours)
Quinpirole: 50%
Corticosterone: 210%
Mephedrone: 500% (while increasing Serotonin by 950%)
THC (injection): 50% at 1 mg/kg (25% at 0.5 mg/kg in the accumbens)
Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (bath salts): 300% (while increasing serotonin by 120%)
Dextroamphetamine: 5,000%, 3,500%  at 1-2 mg/kg (600% at 0.5 mg/kg)
Gambling: 54-63% (D3 Receptor)
Aggression: 20-40% (while decreasing serotonin by 20%)
Sleep Deprivation: 30%
Familiar Cuddle: 50% (oxytocin: 17.3-1632.3% Mean 321.3% [Fake dog owner condition: 83.3% (15.05-271.4%)] [Mechanical hand condition: 89.09% (22.8-314.1%)])

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