

Tmax 4 minutes
Bioavailability 90%
Clearance rate 0.78 L/kg/h
Volume of distribution 2.6 L/kg
Half-life 2.31 hours
Absorption half-life 0.5 minutes
Distribution time: 20 minutes
Distribution half-life: 8 minutes
Effects usually last 20 minutes
Takes 7 seconds to hit the brain s

distribution half-life: 8 minutes (distribution takes 20 minutes) src


Tmax 20 minutes
Bioavailability 82%
LD50 0.8 mg/kg absorption half-life 3.6 minutes
Raises Dopamine levels by 125% above baseline
Doses of 0.03 mg/kg injection increase dopamine by 43%

Nicotine per cigarette: 0.8 mg (marlboro light)

Nicotine per cigarette: 1.1 mg (marlboro red)

Nicotine per cigarette: 0.8 mg (premium lights)

Nicotine per cigarette: 0.05 mg (quest) s

Nicotine per cigarette: 0.85 mg (camel & lucky strike) s

Nicotine per e-cig/vape hit: 0.049 mg s

Cotinine half-life: 16 hours
Cotinine is 100 times less potent than nicotine s

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